• Saturday, July 27, 2024
  • Baku, 27.0°C

Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry
Council of Young Scientists and Specialists


Scientific workers:


1. Yelmarli Tarlan Ilham oglu (Chairman) - scientific worker, Microelements and microfertilizers lab.
2. Bakhishov Dayanat Rahim oglu (Vice Chairman) - scientific worker, Soil agrochemical research and mass analysis lab.
3. Taghiyeva Sabina Ilham gizi (secretary) - scientific worker, Soil physics lab.
4. Hajiyeva Gunel Ali gizi - scientific worker, Genesis, geography and cartography of soils lab
5. Maharramova - Guliyeva Ince Panahgizi - scientific worker, Soil agroecology and monitoring lab.
6. Nasirova Zarnigar Adalat gizi - scientific worker, Modern problems of irrigation lab.
7. Mammadova Gunel Elman gizi - scientific worker, Soil agroecology and monitoring lab
8. Khudai Aysel Allahverdi gizi - scientific worker, Soil reclamation lab.
9. Hasanova-Babazade Rena Alakbar gizi - research worker, Soil Geography - Information Systems lab
10. Mammadova Ilaha Yusif gizi - scientific worker, Soil agrochemical research and mass analysis lab.
11. Dadashova Aytac Shakir gizi - scientific worker, Microelements and microfertilizers lab.
12. Yuzbashova Nurana Shahverdi gizi - junior researcher, soil cover structure lab.
13. Alisoy Narmin Habil gizi - scientific worker, Soil Geography - Information Systems lab.
14. Gasimov Gani Ibrahim oglu - scientific worker, Soil agroecology and monitoring lab.
15. Najafova Narmin Zakir gizi - scientific worker, soil agroecology and monitoring lab.
16. Mammadova Roza Nazim gizi - PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior researcher, Soil biology lab.
17. Suleymanov Farida Farahim gizi, junior researcher, Soil erosion lab.
18. Valiyeva Aygül Tahir gizi - junior researcher, Geography- Information Technologies lab
19. Islamzade Rahila Khankarem gizi -Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, senior researcher - Soil agrochemical research and mass analysis
20. Islamzade Tariverdi Allahverdi oglu - scientific worker - Soil ecology - International lab.
21. Husuyev Fuad Eldar oglu - junior researcher - modern problems of irrigation lab.
22. Rzayeva Rahima Mirheydar gizi - scientific worker, Soil mineralogy and chemistry lab.

Technical workers:

1. Rahimova Shabnam Ehtiram gizi - Accountant.
2. Kiyasova Khayala Mirzashah gizi - senior laboratory assistant, Organic fertilizers
3. Mammadov Mursal Rahim oglu - Chief agromeliotrator
4. Feizullayeva Zarifa Farhad gizi - Head of International and Public Relations Department.
5. Hasanzadeh Ramiz Namiz oglu - Head of the Technical Supply Department.
6. Akhundzade Habib Ilham oglu - storekeeper.   Department of Supply and service.
7. Aliyeva Zahra Turabgizi - editor, chief specialist.
8. Salimbayli Aydan Yusif gizi - interpreter, International and Public Relations Department.
9. Huseynov Nazim Rasim oglu - accountant
10. Sharifova Narmin Rajab gizi - chief specialist, International and Public Relations Department
11. Khanlarova Turkan Hagigat gizi - senior laboratory technician, Soil mineralogy and chemistry lab
12. Guliyeva Aydan Hagigat gizi - senior laboratory assistant, Modern problems of irrigation lab
13. Sardarli Fidan Ramiz gizi - senior laboratory assistant, modern problems of irrigation lab
14. Jahangirova Gunay Ramazan gizi - laboratory assistant, Microelements and microfertilizers lab.
15. Babayeva Leyla Akif gizi - senior laboratory assistant, Soil reclamation lab.