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The Composition of the women's council of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry

of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan :


The Women's Council of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry was established in 2018 at the general meeting of the Institute's employees. The council has 9 bureau members.182 women employees work in the Institute.

The female employees working at the Institute:

Doctor of Sciences - 2 person
Doctor of philosophy (PhD)- 61 person
Honored cultural worker - 1 person
Scientific worker and junior scientific worker - 47 person
Senior Laboratory assistant - 20 person
Laboratory assistant - 4 person
Specialist, operator, editor, interperator
Technical workers - 11 person

Distribution of women by age:

Up to 35 years old - 37 person
36-55 years old - 69 person
58 person under the age of 56-70
Over 70 years old - 18 person

Bureau members:

1. Akhundova Amina Bagir gizi - Chairman
2. Bakhshaliyeva Sona Aligizi - Deputy Chairman
3. Salimova Shalala Jafar gizi - responsible for science and education
4. Mammadova Mirvari Nuraddin gizi - Responsible for social issues
5. Baghirova Rena Firudin gizi - Responsible for social issues
6. Huseynova Sultan Maharram gizi - Responsible for science and education
7. Ismayilova Nazakat Aghamammad gizi - Responsible for social issues
8. Hamidova Fargana Ramiz gizi - Public Relations Officer
9. Jahangirova Gunay Ramazan gizi - Secretary

Duties of the Women's Council of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry:

To support the improvement of the scientific activity and scientific levels of the institute's employees, and to support more extensive and accurate researches based on scientific innovations in the field of soil science, agrochemistry, ecology and land reclamation;
Supporting to maintain a positive moral and psychological environment in the institute;
To ensure a healthy lifestyle;
To support the establishment of business relations, healthy communication and mutual assistance among employees;

The purpose of the women's council:

The Institute  is focused on enriching scientific ideas based on national and moral values and serving intellectual advancement, increasing the role of women in scientific, socio-political, economic and cultural life, protecting their interests and dignity in society.