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Since his goal was to serve the Motherland, the struggle did not tire him.

  • 2022-07-10

   Contemporary philosopher Abu Turkhan writes that if everyone can reveal the light in the depths of his heart, the world will be brighter. We need enlightened scientists and intellectuals to make our world brighter. Intellectual intelligence has always been needed in the most difficult, confused and dark moments of society. It was the light of his intellectual that brought the dark and difficult society to the bright world and saved it from destruction.It is thanks to its enlightened intellectuals that the Azerbaijani people have not lost their national identity and preserved their national values ​​and traditions, despite the centuries of oppression and foreign invaders' attempts to uproot and destroy it. Sometimes, the people who spent their lives for this nation are not given proper appreciation and their services are not appreciated.There are many such cases. But the wise people of Azerbaijan did not forget any of their intellectuals, whose wisdom brought them from darkness to light in difficult times, they lived forever in their hearts, thus giving these people the value they deserve. Over time, our wise people have been able to clarify who is intellectual and  have never forgiven those who lead people from darkness to darkness with their false light. In this sense, Azerbaijani people are sometimes faced with a choice. He could not distinguish between the real intellectual who guided him in the right direction and the people who dragged the society into darkness. However, this nation is so wise that it quickly realized that it was making a mistake, followed its enlightened, true intellectuals and overcame all dangers and managed to protect itself.

   One of such enlightened intellectuals and scientists of our people is professor alovsat guliyev, corresponding member of ANAS , who turned 75 today.
It is both easy and difficult for me to write about the outstanding scientist Alovsat Guliyev. It is easy because I have known teacher Alovsat for almost 20 years.It is difficult because I know that words are not enough to express Alovsat Guliyev's love for the Motherland and nation, the spirit of struggle that I have not seen in anyone else I know.

   I once told Alovsat teacher, why and how do you tolerate so many pressures and attacks?None of these attacks are motivated by your personal interests.I knew more or less what kind of obstacles were caused to his work to protect the history and traditions of our people and to develop Azerbaijani science.

   He answered with the wisdom typical of a real Azerbaijani intellectual. He remembered these words of Nazim Hikmet: "If you don't burn, if I don't burn, if we don't burn, how will the darkness come to light?"
   The answers I got to the questions I asked in our conversation with him on this topic later became a guide for me in the difficult situation I found myself in.
   I asked teacher Alovsat that, you are also human, you are not made of "stone" or "iron". How do you overcome so many difficulties?
   The eminent statesman replied, recalling the words of Winston Churchill: "A pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity, an optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty.I see an opportunity to serve my people and my country in every difficulty. If your work is really a service to the Motherland, the struggle will not tire you."
   At that time, I understood how the people of Azerbaijan have preserved their existence until this period.The spirit of struggle for the Motherland is in the genes of this people and this fighting spirit was revealed in the face of scientists like Alovsat Guliyev and allowed him to overcome all difficulties and win.

   General Director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Doctor of Agrarian Sciences, Professor Alovsat Gulush oglu Guliyev was born on July 10, 1947 in Sofulu village of Sisyan district of West Zangezur in an intellectual family.
   In 1956, he entered the first grade of Sofulu eight-year school, and in 1962, he finished the eighth grade and continued his education at Dastagird secondary school of that district. In 1965, he graduated from the eleventh grade of that school and was admitted to the Hydromelioration Faculty of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute. In 1970, he graduated from that institute with a specialization in "Reclamation" and was assigned to the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan.
   Alovsat Guliyev sometimes jokingly states that, I was able to leave Nakhchivan, where I was sent in 1970, after 45 years. But he also says that, Nakhchivan is very close to him, and that is where he will eventually return.
   Not only because Nakhchivan embraced him, most of his successes in life are related to Nakhchivan. Nakhchivan is also dear to him because it is close to Sofulu. Alovsat Guliyev's eyes always fill up when he talks about Western Azerbaijan, Sofulu. I also know that, his biggest wish is to see Sofulu once again. Despite his many jobs in Baku, he often goes to Nakhchivan. There are many memories and the atmosphere of Sofulu.
   Alovsat Guliyev started his first job at the Department of Reclamation and Water Management of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and in 1970-1973, he worked as an engineer, senior engineer-hydrometer in the department, and after the end of his appointment, he worked as a teacher at Nakhchivan State University. A large period of his life is connected with Nakhchivan State University. Alovsat Guliyev fulfilled an important mission of educating the young generation and made significant contributions to the development of Azerbaijani science. Alovsat Guliyev fulfilled an important mission of educating the young generation and made significant contributions to the development of Azerbaijani science.
   His interest in science and research soon paid off. Thus, in 1976, he was a part-time graduate student at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS in the "Soil Reclamation" laboratory at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS, he completed his dissertation.
  Alovsat Guliyev, who carries out scientific research work on the basis of experimental experiments, carried out soil-water analysis and observations to wash the soils exposed to repeated salinization and return them to crop rotation in the territory of the "Communism" state farm of Babek region.
   At the same time, Nakhchivan MSSR (1977) conducted researches for the washing of saline soils in the territories of "Azerbaijan" collective farm of Babek region and "Azizbeyov" state farm of Sharur region and returning them to crop rotation.
   For the first time in the ancient land of Nakhchivan, he proved an economically easy way based on scientific experience, based on his individual researches, to add more than 20 thousand hectares of delluvial origin salinized soils to the crop rotation, as a result, in Nakhchivan, the purification of the soil exposed to salinization from harmful salts was achieved due to increased irrigation norms without washing.Today, the scientific basis for the exploitation of the saline lands around Duzdag is used by the state based on the scientist's many years of research.
   Alovsat Guliyev, under the leadership of the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, academician Volobuyev, in Nakhchivan, Arazboyu lands, including in Nehram settlement of Babek district (at that time, "Communism" state farm of Nakhchivan district), re-salinated soils were re-cultivated using more favorable methods.

   Alovsat Guliyev, who made a geological assessment in the conditions of Nakhchivan, which has a characteristic climate, determined that there are thick salt layers in the Nehram area at a depth of 65-85 m. The scientific studies conducted by Professor Alovsat Guliyev showed that in the irrigation and reclamation works conducted in Nakhchivan, without proper assessment of the geological, hydrogeological and tectonic conditions of the area, the economic works here do not bring positive results in the end. Here, the thickness of the soil layer is variable everywhere. Even in some places, it is observed that the primary soil formation processes continue. In particular, there are places around Boyuk Duz and Duzdag where the thickness of the soil layer varies from 0.3 to 0.8 meters. As a result, there is a need to carry out radical recultivation works when using the land in the areas around Duzdag.In other words, it is considered more appropriate to carry out irrigation with modern methods in soils with low thickness.These experiments were conducted in the lands of the Nakhchivan Cement Plant around the Nakhchivan-Sharur highway (in the direction of the road to Sust village).

   The researcher-scientist saw the main reason for the liberation of the soil from harmful salts in the conditions of Nakhchivan precisely because the experimental work he conducted ended with a positive result.One of the most positive results is the washing of the saline soils spread in the area by using the salinization maps he compiled.

   Another research work of Alovsat Guliyev was carried out in the lands subjected to repeated salinization in the territory of the "Azerbaijan" kolkhoz of the then Babek district (now Kangarli district) of the Boyuk Duz sloping plain, today's Boyuk Duz village.In the project of freeing the soil from harmful salts in the mentioned area, it was planned to wash the soil at the rate of 8-10 thousand m3/ha. The conducted studies have shown that it is possible to free the soil from harmful salts without washing in the soil with a relatively light mechanical composition.The conducted studies have shown that it is possible to free the soil from harmful salts without washing in the soil with a relatively light mechanical composition.A positive result was achieved by increasing the irrigation rate given to the cultivated land by 25-30% in the experimental washing.

   Another research work of Alovsat Guliyev was devoted to the washing of delluvial saline soils formed from the sediments of Boyuk Duz and Duzdag in the area of ​​"Azizbeyov" state farm of Sharur region, present Khok village. Here, according to the project, it was planned to wash the soil in the drained area (the distance between the drains is 400 m) with ordinary water.Observing that the water did not come from the drains in the washing works (8550 m3/ha) and seeped into the soil for a short distance, the scientist decided that either the project was incorrect or the complexity of the local conditions, the soil and hydrogeological conditions were not taken into account in the character zone, where he proved the possibility of washing the soil without drainage. As a result, it has been achieved to clean the soil exposed to delluvial salinization from harmful salts by the mentioned methods.
   The researches of Alovsat Guliyev, hundreds of hectares of land in Nakhchivan were put into crop rotation.

   Those who know him, know that Alovsat Guliyev is a courageous scientist.He never hesitated to exaggerate the problems.In August 2002, during a consultation on the Vaikhir reservoir in Nakhchivan city, Alovsat Guliyev informed the great leader Heydar Aliyev about the works in the field of reclamation and water management in the Nakhchivan depression, the construction of Uzunoba, Sirab, Benaniyar and others addressed the role of water reservoirs in changing the ecological situation due to the influence of geological factors, as well as in connection with the restoration of the ancient kahriz in Nakhchivan. The great leader confirmed the relevance of the raised issue and gave the necessary tasks to the relevant organizations. It was as a result of this that the Department of Watersheds was established in Nakhchivan, more than 200 watersheds were restored and 80 million m3 of water resources were obtained during the year.

   In the scientific work of the outstanding scientist, the study of Azerbaijani kahriz crosses a red line.Throughout his career, he was engaged in the study of kahriz and fought for the preservation, restoration and preservation of these ancient monuments of ours.
   It was with his authorship that the book "Kahriz systems and their restoration" (Methodical materials for Kahriz repair and restoration groups) was published for the first time.Alovsat Guliyev is also the author of the monograph "Azerbaijani kahrizlari" published in three languages.  Due to all these services and scientific creativity, the scientist was elected a member of the interstate board of UNESCO on "Ancient Hydraulic Systems-Kahriz" since 2006. He has exceptional services not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the study of Kahriz monuments in the territories of Turkic states in Central Asia.
   Alovsat Guliyev's activity as the head of the Institute of Soil Science and Agronomy of ANAS in recent years is commendable.Several books can be written about the scientific researches and studies conducted by the institute headed by him in a short period of time.
   As in all periods of the scientist's life, during his activity at ANAS, he attracted attention with his courageous decisions and his struggle for science. Alovsat Guliyev also fought for justice here and won. Most of our readers probably know that he was unfairly dismissed by the former president of ANAS, Ramiz Mehdiyev. Many would have agreed with Mehdiyev's decision and reconciled with his fate.But Alovsat Guliyev, who spent his life in struggles, could not reconcile with this. He showed courage and sued ANAS and was reinstated.I know that at that time, Mr. Alovsat took care of everything. A person like Ramiz Mehdiyev could completely destroy it and erase it from history. At that time, he greeted my reminder with great excitement and nervousness. "My pride, my struggle is more important than my life," he said.

   Professor Alovsat Guliyev's scientific-organizational activity is multifaceted, and it is impossible to list all the works he has done for the sake of Azerbaijan in one article. If you get acquainted with the scientist's life and work, it seems that patriotism and the supremacy of national interests are a red line in his scientific, pedagogical and social activities.Alovsat Guliyev's scientific researches, articles, speeches, and interviews he gave clearly show the feelings and excitement of a patriotic person who is worried about the future of Azerbaijan and is burning for his country to become a more powerful state. Although the professor's deep scientific research and public activity for the sake of Azerbaijan sometimes caused him serious problems, no force could turn him from his path. As a result, Alovsat Guliyev has reached the age of wisdom, 75 years old, as a distinguished scientist, a public figure whose image has never been tarnished, and a patriotic intellectual.

   I know that Mr. Alovsat will not agree with these thoughts that I will mention now, he will criticize me.Because in our conversations, he always says that a real intellectual is an intellectual who serves the Motherland, the people, and the state selflessly. I have heard many times from his own words that he does not expect anything from his state in return for his services.He has only one hope from his state - it is the preservation of Azerbaijan's independence, ownership of science, and greater work to be done for the development of science.
   I regret to note that Alovsat Guliyev's services are still not appreciated. It is true that, the people will pay the highest price.I believe that the state of Azerbaijan will appreciate the services of our fighter intellectual who turned 75 years old this year. Alovsat Guliyev deserves the highest titles, honorary titles, orders and medals.
   Forgive me and don't be offended, teacher Alovsat!  I should have written that.If you see me among the intellectuals of this country, you should not blame me.
    Happy anniversary! 
    Tural Safarov,
    Director of "TNS" Information Agency