• Friday, October 18, 2024
  • Baku, 17.0°C

General director of the Institute :

Corresponding member of ANAS,

Alovsat Gulush oglu Guliyev

Service phone : (+994 12) 5383131

Email: direktor@tai.science.az







Chief agromeliotrator: Mursal Rahim oglu Mammadov

Service phone : (+994 12) 5389280

Mobile phone:  (+994 55) 4445452

Mobile phone:  memmedoff@hotmail.com









Scientific secretary:

Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences ,  assistant professor

Sultan Muharram Gizi Huseynova

Service phone : (+994 12) 5370710

Email:  sultanhuseynova@rambler.ru







General Manager:  Arshad Idris oglu Jalilov

Service phone :  (+994 12)

Email:  jalilov.ershad@gmail.com






Chief Accountant: Chingiz Nabi oglu Gurbanov

Service phone : (+994 12) 5107409

 Email: cingiz-qurbanov@mail.ru