• Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Baku, 9.0°C

Chairman of the Department : Khalilov Farrrukh Djalal oglu

E-mail ADDRESS: tai-tehsil@mail.ru

Phone: (012) 537-07-10

Total number of works: 3


─    The Department of Education - Institute of soil SCIENCE and AGROCHEMISTRY was established in 2017.

─    For Preparation DOCTOR of sciences and doctor of Philosophy- Doctors, Dissertants – Attestation, Entrance Examinations to doctorate, and CREATION proper commissions For Defend Doctoral EXAminations, master's THESİS.

─  ACCEPTİON of THE Doctorants and Dissertants REFERENCE,organization For give Doctorate exams and ENTRANCE EXAMİNATİONS for specialty science.

─  Preparation of highly qualified and scientific Pedagogical cadres.

According to magistrary,doctorate and dissertation and to analyze their scientific activity and Attestation results.

─  Organisation of EXAMS SESSİONS,Ppreparation of the TEST TASK,CREATİON TEST BANK Provides SOFTWARE COLLATERAL and AT the EXAMS SESSIONS-TUREATENING THE magister Doctrant and dissertans results

─  IN THE CURRICULUM OF GRADUATE students,the main objective is to prepare masters for the dissertasion and defense of dissertations.

─  Conducts monitoring and Prepares monitoring and Prepares Reports, prestigious scientific journal and topics, it helps the doctorate to cover the outcomes of scientific research.


Personnel Potential

Senior Specialist - Mammadova Bahar Dagestan gizi

Senior Specialist- Abilova Saida Shirvan gizi