• Thursday, January 30, 2025
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Correspondent member of ANAS , professor Alovsat Guliyev participated in the Scientific-Practical Seminar.

  • 2022-11-26

   On November 25, 2022, a Scientific-Practical Seminar dedicated to additional measures to ensure the efficient use of water and land resources was held at Mugan Reclamation-Experimental Station located in Jafarkhan settlement, Saatli district.
   Rafiq Aslanov, deputy chairman of Azerbaijan Melioration and Water Management OJSC, who opened the seminar with an introduction, spoke about the work done and to be done in the field of land reclamation and water management in the country.Then S. Sadigov, the head of the hydrogeological-melioration service and water use control department, said that, he is currently drawing up maps based on the data of the hydrogeological regime wells dug to study the dynamics and mineralization of underground waters.
   General director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, corresponding member of ANAS, professor Alovsat Guliyev talked about the deterioration of land reclamation in his report. Alovsat Guliyev said that, improper use of water is one of the main reasons for soil degradation, and as a result, 50-60% water loss is allowed. The scientist noted that, it is unacceptable to discharge 4.5 billion cubic meters of demineralized water from the Bas Mil Mugan and Bas Shirvan collectors into the Caspian Sea during the year and expressed his suggestions in this field.
   Then, The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Azerkosmos" OJSC and the State Agency for Service to Citizens and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan made report.
   After the presentations, a wide-scale discussion was held. In the seminar, it was recommended to improve land reclamation, map irrigated land areas, create a database, integrate into EKTIS, conduct regular monitoring, teach land users methods of efficient use of fertilizers and sustainable development practices.Farmers who were satisfied with the seminar spoke and noted the importance of regular implementation of such measures.