• Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Baku, 9.0°C


The laboratory head:

                                                            Doktor of agrarian science, professor

                                                                             Vilayat Hasan Hasanov.

                                                                        10 employees work in the laboratory,

                                                           4 of them are doctor of philosophy.

Tel: (99412) 538-24-29

E-mail: vilayet-hesenov@mail.ru





The main scientific directions:

- soil cover structures and elementary soil areas investigation in the mountainous and plain zones of Azerbaijan;

- definition of the influence of the different exposure of slopes on soils morphogenetic diagnostic and soil cover structures (SCS) formation in the mountain zones and on microrelief in the plain river valleys;  

- on the basis of the relief plastics method, preparation of the map of soil cover structures and alternative soil;

- definition of physico-chemical characters and stoneness degree of the conditional unfit stony soils in the mountainous rivers debris cones and its rehabilitation to the agriculture.

   On the basis of the investigated researches on the basis of the relief plastic method with the scale of 1:100 000 “Ganikh-Aqrichay valley” and “Absheron peninsula”:1. soil cover structure maps, 2. alternative soil maps and 3. soil-ecological evaluating maps have been prepared.

   As a result of the comparative-geogra-phical and systematic approach researches being performed over protection of the natural landscape and biodiversity in the special reserves of the republic an influence of the different exposure mountain slopes on soil cover structures formation and morphogenetic diagnostics of mountain- meadow  and mountain-forestry soils spreading in Goygol soil on a scale of 1:25 000, SCS and ecological evaluation maps were composed. The complex suggestions, which regulate a modern state and development of the ecotourism potential in CP (central Park) of Goygol and ecologically estimating maps we-re composed. The complex offers, which regulate the modern state and development of the ecotourism potential in the CP of Goygol were prepared. 

       On the basis of long-term and comparative-geographical researches in flood-plains in Azer-baijan morphogenetic features of alluvial-hyd-romorphic soils were determined and in accor-dance with the international classification and nomenclature were prepared. Microrelief condi-tion and ground water influence  on elementary soil areals and diagnostic indexes in flood-plains were identified and soil types passports were compiled. Detailed  (1:2000, 1:5000) soil maps of site-specific areas were prepared. 

      Detailed soil maps (1:2000) of National Seaside Park in Baku and Botanical Garden of Azer-baijan National Academy of Sciences were compiled and diagnostic features, nomenclature of Urban soils were determined (2010).

   The results of joint research together soil genesis, geography and mapping laboratory (Acad. M.P.Babayev, Dr.prof. V.H.Hasanov, Dr. Ch. M. Jafarova etc.) : 1. Morphogenetic profile of Azerbaijan soils (2004), 2. Contemporary soil classification of Azerbaijan (2006), 3. Soil deg-radation and protection in Azerbaijan (2010), 4. Morphogenetic diagnostics, nomenclature and classification of Azerbaijan soils (2011), monog-raphes and 5. Soil map of Azerbaijan Republic.  V.G. Gasanov published (2021) the monograph "Morphogenetic diagnostics, classification and features of the process of subtropical gley formation of alluvial-hydromorphic soils of Azerbaijan"

     An influence of the irrigative river water re-sidues on morphogenetic diagnostics and fertility parameters of the anthropogenic-changed soils in the Azerbayjan Republik was determined.

     Rockiness degree map of pebble soils in Azerbaijan was prepared.