• Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Baku, 9.0°C

                                    Head of the laborator: PhD in agricultural sciences,

associate professor Akhundova Amina Bagir gizi

                                                         Phone: (99412) 538-94-25

                                                         E-mail: akhundova41@mail.ru



   The laboratory was established in 1956 and until 1989 ,Correspondent Member of ANAS, doctor of agricultural sciences, prof. Abdurrahman Niyaz oglu Gulahmadov, after his death until 1996  was led by Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences – Akhundova Amina Bagir gizi. The Laboratory of Mineral Fertilizers combined as a group in 1996. Since 2015 again, as Micro-elements and Micro-fertilizers laboratory operates independently.

   Micronutrients in soils since the laboratory was established spread, amount and migration in the soil plant system, their villages researches were carried out on their application in agriculture, discovery of biogeochemical regions, preparation of new effective fertilizer types, application of micro-fertilizers in the cultivation of essential oil and medicinal plants. Laboratory employees have received certificates for more than 20 authorship and optimization proposals.

  During these years, 3 doctorates and more than 50 PhD theses were defended on the application of micronutrients under agricultural crops, distribution and migration of micronutrients.

  In recent years, the optimization of fertilizer norms applied under agricultural crops, the efficiency of micro-fertilizers against the background of macro-fertilizers, the migration of microelements in the soil-plant system, the level of heavy metal contamination of the environment as a result of man-made waste, the consideration of microelements in the ecological assessment of soils and other issues have been studied.

9 people work in the laboratory, 3 of them are PhD.

The main directions of the laboratory are as follows:

The balance of nutrients, including trace elements, in the soil condition;

Studying the current level of pollution of the environment (soil, plants, water) with man-made waste;

Ecological aspects of the distribution of microelements and migration in the soil-plant system;

Efficiency of application of micro-fertilizers.