• Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Baku, 9.0°C

Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.






                                                                           Chief of  laboratory

Academician of ANAS, doctor of agrarian sciences, professor Babayev Maharram Pirverdi

The laboratory has 15 employees, from   them 1 doctor, 5 doctors of philosophy

                                                                Telefon: (99412) 5101097




The laboratory was created in 1945, the first chief of the laboratory till 1995, was d.a.s., prof. Associate Member of ANAS Mammad-Amin Mammad-Ali oglu Salayev. At present the chief of the laboratory is  d.a.s., professor, Academician of ANAS Maharram Pirverdi oglu Babayev.

The laboratory has 15 employees, from them 1 Active Member of ANAS, 1 doctor and 5 doctor of philosophy of sciences.

From the first day of its existence and on today’s day the laboratory is structural unit determined one of the main directions of the institute activity. For the time of the laboratory activity in different years outstanding scientists of soil science of Azerbaijan R. Kovalyov, Sh.Hasanov, A.Zeynalov, M.Babayev, V.Hasanov, Ch.Jafarova and others work here.

Under the leadership of prof. M.Salayev and for their participation the problems connecting with the soil genesis were elaborated, the regularities of their geographical spreading and cartography were investigated, the problems of diagnostics, nomenclature of systematic and classification of Republic soils were examined.

Mani-sided investigations of the laboratory are carried out in the three directions: in the sphere of soil regional investigations; in the sphere of genesis of classification and diagnostics of soils; in the sphere of soils cartography.

In result of geographical and stationary investigations soil forming process in the high mountainous zone and migration of weathering products, soil formation process, condition humus forming also genesis, systematic and nomenclature of forestry and flood soils were studied. The peculiarity of the cultural soil forming process are revealed, the changes occurred in anthropogenic soils are determined. The systematic and nomenclature of anthropogenic changed soils are defined more precisely, and the classification of anthropogenic soils of Azerbaijan in accordance with the international standards are given for the first time.

As a result of long-term detailed soil researches were made a Soil map of Azerbaijan (Scale: 1:500000, 1957); a State Soil Map of Azerbaijan (М 1:100000, 1997). The employees of laboratory took part in drawing up of the Caucasian sheet of a State Soil map USSR. 

A several monograph about soils of Republic was issued. Among them it is the "The Soils of Azerbaijan"; "The Soils of Small and Large Caucasus"; “The Lenkoran’s soils"; "The Process of formation of brown soil"; " The Soils in a bank of Araz lowland "; " The irrigated soils of Kura-Araz lowland ".

At the present stage, the activity of the laboratory is aimed at compiling a modern nomenclature and classification of soils using the stock material of the biodiversity studies of Azerbaijan soil cover, its protection and conservation. Research work "Genetic diagnostics by innovative methods of taxonomic units of Azerbaijan soils and their mapping (a complex topic with the laboratories of Geographical Information Systems of soils and Soil Cover Structures)" is being carried out.

The Activity of employees of laboratory are classification of soils on a problem of a biovariety of a soil cover, its protection and preservation at the present stage. In laboratory also is investigated the soil degradation problems, the ways of their restoration, the scientific and practical bases of anthropogenous soil forming process. On the basis of these researches " The Correlation of Azerbaijan classification system of soil  with system WRB", "Azerbaijan soil map legend” (Scale 1:100000), methodical recommendations of " The Soil researches in small size farms according to soil reform in Azerbaijan ", "The soil degradation", "Morphogenetic structures of Azerbaijan soils", “The Atlas of Azerbaijan soil and agrochemistry maps", "Natural factors that can create danger for that part of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline passing through the Azerbaijan Republic intending measures for preservation", “Biomorfogenetic Diaqgnostics of the Irrigative Soils Suitable for Vegetable in the Azerbaijan Subtropic Zone”, " The integration of Azerbaijan National Soil Classification into the International System", "The modern soil cover of the Greater Caucasus" are prepared.

It was determined that it is possible to manage the soil parameters by an application of the crop alternation being based on a scientific side. The soil biologically evaluating shows that the grey-brown and grey-meadow soils fertility can be rised besides to restore the irrigative alluvial meadow-forest and gleyey-yellow soils in the subtropic zone.

Map fund.

   The cartographical fund of the Institute of Soil science and agrochemistry for the laboratory of genesis and geography of soils has been created since 1945 and has been numbered 1000 large-middle-small scaled maps, composed by scientific employees of the institute.

The Map fund has contained unique and valuable cartographic materials of different authors, which prepared in 1926-1927.

The Map fund has been presented by maps characterizing soil cover of the  republic, different cartogram’s, agricultural structures and evaluation of soil cover of administrative regions, materials on evaluation of the land fund, soil-agroclimatic regionalization of the republic, salting, erosion and etc.