• Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Baku, 9.0°C

Head of  the laboratory of “Mineral fertilizers”:

Doctor of agrarian sciences, assistant professor MammadovMammad Isa oglu

Phone: (012) 537 09 29

050 215 00 92


This laboratory was headed by doc. of agr.sc., prof. RizvanGhafarogluHuseynov from 1956 to 1978, when the "Mineral fertilizers" laboratory was established. 

Researches in the laboratory were developed in the direction of phosphorus regime in the soil and mineral nutrition of plants. Reserves and forms of phosphorus compounds in the main irrigated soils of the republic were determined, and the regularity of transformation and movement of phosphorus in the soil was studied. As a result, simultaneous sowing of cotton seeds with phosphorus fertilizers was recommended and widely applied in cotton fields of the republic.

Studies of the agrochemical properties of soils have been regularly carried out in different soil-climatic regions of the republic. The results of these works were reflected in the monograph "Agrochemical properties of USSR soils". At the same time, the "Agrochemistry" textbook, published in 1969, was used for planning the demand for fertilizers in the republic and developing agro-rules for various crops.

Special attention has been paid to the researches related to the long-term application of fertilizers under the tea plant. In this regard, agrochemical, physicochemical properties of the soil, productivity, metabolism and quality indicators of green tea leaves were studied. A lot of attention has been paid to the problem of potassium - Prof. R.G. Huseynov worked as the assistant director for scientific affairs at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS in 1957-1968.

The laboratory was headed by doc. of agr.sc., prof. Fizuli Hamid ogluAkhundov in 1978-1991.

He conducted research on the application of solid and complex fertilizers under various plants and studied the effect of these fertilizers on plant metabolism.

The laboratory was headed by doc. of agr.sc., prof. Z.R. Movsumov in 1992-2015.

  1. Movsumov worked as the assistant director for scientific works at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS in 1994-2003, he worked the director of the institute in 1997-2001.

The results of very important research which conduct by Z.R. Movsumov on the problem of "Circulation and balance of basic nutrients" were reflected in many scientific works, including the monograph "Nitrogen problem in Azerbaijani agriculture" (1978).

In later periods, the results of his researches devoted to the study of the influence of natural factors and human activities on the accumulation of nitrates in plants were reflected in "Nitrate accumulation in plant products” (1994) and other scientific articles.

Z.R. Movsumov studied the balance of the main nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) in the crop rotation system by approaching the solution of the nitrogen problem from broader aspects in his subsequent research. The results of the researches conducted in this direction are given in the monograph "Scientific bases of the efficiency and balance of nutrients in crop rotation" (2006).

The laboratory of Microelements and Microfertilizers was merged into the laboratory of Mineral fertilizers as a group in 1996. "Microelements" and "Mineral fertilizers" were again separated in the form of a laboratory in 2015.

10 employees work in the laboratory.