• Thursday, January 2, 2025
  • Baku, 10.0°C

Head of Laboratory PhD in agrarian sciences, docent,
Suleymanov Niyazi Ramiz

Tel: (994 12) 538 92 80
E-mail: terrasoil@rambler.ru


   Laboratory "Implementation and Information" was organized  in 1975. 2003, it was renamed the laboratory "Analytical Inforation, Patent and Implementation". In connection with the structural transformations carried out at the institute and the results obtained, the scientific group for the study “Exchange and reversible soil processes”, and also taking into account the directions of scientific research in 2007, was named the laboratory “Reversible soil processes”, and in 2015 was renamed "The dynamics of soil processes."

   The laboratory investigates the fundamental problem of the possibility of soil-ecological optimization of the process of salt accumulation in natural salt marshes of lake-alluvial origin from the position of reversibility of processes and exchange reactions.

A landscape-adaptive soil - cological   method for the development of takyr-like solonchaks was developed by controlling the speed of the hydrodynamic resources of the landscape in the soil environment, with further development under natural virgin vegetation under the influence of abiotic factors. A monograph entitled “Landscape-adaptive soil-ecological development of takyr salt marshes” (N. R. Suleymanov, R. Y. Abbasova, 2012) was published on this topic. N.R. Suleymanov developed the foundations of the “complex amelioration of swelling heavy clay saline soils”, which are a new direction in soil amelioration. Conceptual, theoretical, methodological foundations of flushing highly swellable soils were developed, the concept of “real porosity” was introduced, taking into account the variability of the structural state of the swelling soil environment. To neutralize the negative effect of swelling, the creation of a soil environment with a mixed structure was proposed, and new parameters characterizing the structural state of the soil were introduced, and the boundary values ​​of these parameters were determined. Theoretical conditions for ensuring synergistic efficiency in complex land reclamation are proposed, mathematical models for calculating the washing rate and determining the amount of swelling of the soil are developed. On this topic were published monographs "Conceptual and methodological foundations of complex melioration of heavy clay swollen salt marshes", "Complex melioration of heavy clay swollen salt marshes"
   According to the results of 2006, the group’s theme “Ecological optimization of salt transfer in natural salt-marshes” was included in the list of the most important results and exhibited on the A Azerbaijan NAS website.

   At present, research is being conducted in the laboratory to identify links between the hydrothermal potential and reversible soil processes that ensure the cyclical nature of elementary soil processes that take place in the soil environment under various ecosystems. A new soil limiting parameter–HTP, its unit of measurement and coefficient of structurality have been proposed. The temporal-spatial essence of cyclic, reversible soil processes occurring in a dispersed medium has been explained and theoretical substantiations are given.

   In 2018, the dissertation on the topic N.B. Alizade defended his dissertation "Comparative studies of the hydrothermal potential of brown mountain-forest soils of the Greater Caucasus" and received a scientific degree pHD.

  The results of the research are reflected in the book "Contributions of VR Volobuyev school to the solution of fundamental problems of soil science", published in 2019.

  To the list of the most important scientific results of Azerbaijan National Academy Science for 2009-2012 years 3 lab results were included.

  The laboratory has 8 employees,Of these, 3 Ph.D. in agrarian science